Naya Jeevan: New Life for South Asians
Do you love your South Asian neighbors and want to see them follow Lord Jesus? Perhaps you identify with any of these feelings:
“I see Indians all around me in my city, but I don’t know how to talk with them.”
“I tell my friends about Jesus, but when they say ‘Our religion teaches that too,’ I feel so frustrated.”
“I give them my gospel presentation, but I know they’re just taking Jesus as one of their gods.”
“I stay away from them personally but we support missionaries to go plant churches.”
“I’d like to share the gospel with Indians, but doesn’t that take special literature or strategies?”
Welcome to Naya Jeevan – we can help! We offer strategies, resources, and training to mobilize Christians to share God’s love and the message of salvation with our South Asian neighbors. You can know the joy of sharing the good news of Jesus with your neighbors in a way that is attractive and non-threatening and will leave them wanting more.
Watch the 2-minute video here for a brief introduction to Naya Jeevan. Then please explore this website and take one step today toward being better equipped to love your Indian neighbors! Some good steps are featured on the right side of this page.
Small Steps You Can Take Today:
Sign up to receive our monthly prayer bulletins for testimonies, ministry reports, upcoming events, prayer requests, and more! (an average of 1-2 emails per month)
Join our Breakthrough Prayer WhatsApp group to pray for requests relating to personal witness and group outreach to South Asian friends, and Naya Jeevan Prayer Flashes.
Naya Jeevan (which means “New Life” in Hindi) offers strategies, resources, and trainings to mobilize Christians to share the love of Christ with our South Asian neighbors. Thank you for your investment today!
- Download the free Jesus Film App to access every Jesus Film product ever made in every language it’s available in!
- Download PDF “How to Witness Using the Jesus Film App”
- Click on the photo for stories of using the app in witnessing opportunities.

If you would like to obtain a hard copy, please contact us at