Would you like to share Jesus with people in India?
Right from the comfort of your home? You can – through internet ministry! No passport, no ticket required!
Naya Jeevan partners with Power2Change for internet ministry. Join us to help reach the curious, the hurting, the questioning, the seeking. Reach out to them with compassion and real answers for their real needs.
Here’s how it works: A person in India who has questions or needs searches and lands on our evangelistic website, MyStruggles.in They read the story of someone who has struggled with their same issue and found help in Jesus Christ. They write in with their own question, and their email is directed to a trained and compassionate mentor like you. The mentor replies, establishing connection and starting a trusting relationship. Sometimes, a mentor who lives in India can even invite their mentee to their own church! Many have found answers, peace, and Christ through this process.
You get to interact with people from India right from your home or office. Even countries closed to missionaries are reachable through the Internet.
- You’ll grow spiritually as you rely on God to listen compassionately and help people take the next step on their spiritual journey.
- You get to partner with Jesus in fulfilling His great commission. Helping a person come to know Jesus is one of the most exciting things you’ll ever experience.
- You can remain anonymous, safe, and secure in our mentoring app.
You have time to pray and think before responding, a luxury you don’t always have in face-to-face conversations.
- You get to set the number of new mentees you want per week so you can fit mentoring into your busy life.
- We offer free training, supervision, and a team of support staff and many resources to help you along the way.
Join P2C’s Naya Jeevan team to help reach India through internet. Be sure to complete the two-step process of registering and applying.
*”Power2Change” is the name of Campus Crusade for Christ in Canada, as “Cru” is in the US.